Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13 going on 63

"So what are you grannys doing tonight?" is a common remark made by my father when he drops me off at my grandma's house. I, for one, disagree with that. Oh? You want proof? Ok, here is a possible routine:

6:00-6:30= Eat dinner while watching "Golden Girls", "Reba" and "AFV"

6:30-7:30= Continue to laugh our butts off with 5+ more eps of the shows listed above

7:30-7:35= take WFBAISB (worlds fastest bathroom and icecream softing break)

7:35+ = Do steps 1 and 2 until bed/Grandma has something else to watch

"Van you knucle-head!" and the room is filled with laughs, snorts, and Kasie begging to go out. Then..........

"No I am NOTHING like BarbraJean!" repete.

So you still not convinced? Well I would tell you more, but if you dont mind I have some scrapbooking to do.

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