Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Forget monsters. This house has a man with a weed whacker

Many of us grew up hearing ghost stories and have had worries about the monsters under the bed.
No, not me. I’m only 12 years old and have seen far scarier then any Frankenstein or King Kong.

I have been a witness to my father with a weed whacker.

He comes to tear down both good and evil. To kill the pesky weeds and to knock down $20 worth of plants. He stops at nothing to feel the power over the plants. Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Yes, I know that sounds really kinda pathetic, facing the fact that I’m far away from the gorilla in his city of terror. But my mother has put her blood, sweat and tears ( but mostly sweat ) into her gardens while I sat on my but watching iCarly.
So really, it’s for Mom. And for Dad facing the fact that HE WONT LISTEN TO ME WHEN I COMPLAIN. (Okay, and for the love of iCarly. But that’s not the point.)

Beware, my children. For if you be weed or plant, the man with the weed whacker is after you.

Bwa ha ha ha ha!! :)


  1. I say this with total lack of bias-- you're so awesome!!! LOVE IT!!!

  2. Your Mom is right. You Rock.

  3. Very funny! If I were your Dad I'd be printing this out. :)

  4. Super cute! :) You are definitely your mother's daughter!

  5. This is dad............ I have no idea what you are talking about..............However, it appears you get your intelligence from me!


  6. LOL!!! Great writing too. :) Melissa
